List of products by brand Cantina della Vernaccia
La Cantina Sociale della Vernaccia diOristano ha saputo coniugare la tradizione vitivinicola di tanti piccoli produttori, con una struttura imprenditoriale tesa ad interpretare e soddisfare le esigenze del mercato.
La Cantina Sociale della Vernaccia diOristano ha saputo coniugare la tradizione vitivinicola di tanti piccoli produttori, con una struttura imprenditoriale tesa ad interpretare e soddisfare le esigenze del mercato.
Valorizzazione del territorio e delle sue caratteristiche peculiari, rendono i nostriprodotti vitivinicoli unici e riconoscibili in Italia e all'estero.
Showing 1-12 of 16 item(s)
Cantina della Vernaccia
Sparkling wine brut metodo calssico, made from Vernaccia grapes. Great experiment of the Cantina della Vernaccia di OristanoBottle of 0.75 lIn our e-commerce site of Sardinian products and wines, you can indulge in looking for your pairing that maybe a summer night you've tried on a table in front of a sardonic sea, immensely calm.
Cantina della Vernaccia
Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l bottle
Benas is a Vermentino di Sardegna DOC made by Cantina della Vernaccia di Oristano - fresh and acid white wine to be combined with a roast mullet, a seafood appetizer with bottarga of Cabras or a fregula with Sardinian sea urchins
Combines the traditional Sardinian Vermentino with a food product of your choice
Cantina della Vernaccia
Cannonau di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle
Online sales of the best Sardinian wines
Try our finest sardinian Doc wine: Cannonau di Sardegna, Carignano del Sulcis, the bovale and Vermentino di Gallura
Try Corash Cannonau with a sheep ham or a goat sausage
Cantina della Vernaccia
Monica di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian Red wine made by Cantina della Vernaccia di Oristano. 0.75 l bottle
Online sales of Sardinian typical food products, the most representative of our tradition
Try Monica di Sardegna Don Efisio with a pecorino cheese without lactose or Bussu organic pecorino cheese
Cantina della Vernaccia
Vernaccia grape pomace brandy made by Cantina della Vernaccia of Oristano. 0,50 l bottle
Online sales of the best Sardinian food products
Do not miss our finest Doc sardinian wine: Cannonau di Sardegna, Carignano del Sulcis and Vermentino di Gallura
Cantina della Vernaccia
Is Arutas, Vermentino di Sardegna Doc, Sardinian white wine made by the oenologist of Cantina della Vernaccia di Oristano.
Bottle - 0.75 l
Try our finest doc wines and combine them with typical Sardinian food products
For Vermentino Ugone III we recommend a sea fregula with grated bottarga
Cantina della Vernaccia
Vernaccia di Oristano DOC Riserve 1990, Sardinian White wine 0.50 l bottle
Buy on our e-commerce of best Sardinian food products
Try Judikes, Vernaccia di Oristano, with our pastry made with almonds and honey. Try the Vernaccia with a seadas fried with thistle or arbutus honey
Cantina della Vernaccia
Vernaccia di Oristano DOC Superiore, Sardinian white wine
0,75 l bottle
Online sales of the best Sardinian food products
Try our most famous sardinian wines and combine them with traditional products collected in the catalog.
Cantina della Vernaccia
Cannonau di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian red wine. 0.75 l bottle
Online sales of the most famous Sardinian wines - do not miss the Cannonau di Sardegna, the Vermentino and Carignano del Sulcis
Try our Doc wine and match it with the typical Sardinian food products in the catalog
Cantina della Vernaccia
Nieddera Valle del Tirso IGT, Sardinian red wine
0.75 l Bottle
Montiprama is a wine of Cantina della Vernaccia di Oristano, with Nieddera grapes. In combination we suggest a fresh pecorino sardo, or a dish of wild artichokes.
For sale in our onlne shop of Sardinian wines - along with many other typical Sardinian products
Cantina della Vernaccia
Vernaccia Valle del Tirso IGT, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l bottle
Try the Vernaccia of Cantina della Vernaccia, a traditional Sardinian grape of Oristano rural area - the Veranccia is a grape from the special and extravagant features
Vernaccia wine is great to combine a fregula with sea urchins and mullet bottarga, a plate of lorighittas with smoked mullet or a chopping board of smoked tuna
Cantina della Vernaccia
Valle del Tirso IGT, Sardinian red wine. 0.75 l bottle
Online sales of Sardinian typical food products most representative of the isle.
Try S'inis red wine with a few slices of sausage or musteba of Marmilla. We also recommend a fresh cheese caciotta from sheep's milk or Monte Accas two months aged goat cheese
Buy online Sardinian food