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Reference: 400409

Brand: Pala

I Fiori Vermentino - Pala

Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian White wine.  0.75 l Bottle I Fiori is a Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, a white wine of excellence, affordable, produced by Pala in Serdiana - clay soils at 180 m above sea level Serve with: fish first courses  or seafood, bottarga of Cabras with artichokes in oil, tuna bresaola and carpaccio of swordfish Sardinian typical food on sale
Price €8.84
In stock

Reference: 400407

Brand: Pala

I Fiori Nuragus - Pala

Nuragus di Cagliari DOC, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l bottle I Fiori di Pala represent a quartet of wines produced from typical grapes of Serdiana area - Nuragus is a fresh white wine, with good intensity and acidity It goes well with fresh cheese, preferably of goat milk, bottarga of Cabras, first sea courses and crostini with sea urchins Sale of typical Sardinian food products
Price €9.17
In stock

Reference: 400401

Brand: Pala

Assoluto, Sardinian wine from overripen grapes - Pala

Sardinian White wine of overripe grapes. 0.375 l bottle Assoluto is a Sardinian white wine from overripe native grapes produced by Cantina Pala in calcareous soil of Serdiana - to be combined with a blue cheese of Thiesi (Ovinforth) or to a very mature Fiore Sardo cheese; dry pastries or fried seadas Large selection of Sardinian wines made by small local producers
Price €15.32
In stock

Reference: 100803

Brand: Cantina della Vernaccia

Benas - Cantina della Vernaccia

Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l bottle Benas is a Vermentino di Sardegna DOC made by Cantina della Vernaccia di Oristano - fresh and acid white wine to be combined with a roast mullet, a seafood appetizer with bottarga of Cabras or a fregula with Sardinian sea urchins Combines the traditional Sardinian Vermentino with a food product of your choice
Price €7.78
In stock

Reference: 200408

Brand: Gabbas

Manzanile, Vermentino di Sardegna - Gabbas

Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l Bottle Manzanile is a Vermentino di Sardegna DOC made by Cantina Gabbas of Nuoro - Vermentino wine outside area, with different smells from the typical Vermentino di Gallura Docg Choose from our e-commerce the best Sardinian wines We have collected for you the best products of the Sardinian tradition
Price €11.47
In stock

Reference: 102101

Brand: Salto di Coloras

Malvasia - Salto di Coloras

Malvasia di Bosa DOP Sweet sardinian White wine. 0.50 l bottle Salto di Coloras is a Malvasia di Bosa Pdo produced by the oenologist Angelo Angioi - the one who brought back on the wine scene the true tradition of Malvasia di Bosa, produced in the authentic way Online sales of Sardinian typical products Choose your favorite Sardinian wines and discover the best combinations
Price €21.31
In stock

Reference: 101901

Brand: Stefano Pippia

Old Vernaccia - Pippia

Vernaccia Valle del Tirso IGP, Sardinian White wine. 0.75 l Bottle Vernaccia di Oristano produced by Pippia family in Barattili, important wine country - white wine to match with mullet roasted, smoked mullet or tuna or a fregula with artichokes and bottarga of Cabras Online sales of Sardinian products - at the most affordable prices
Price €13.11
In stock

Reference: 700308

Brand: Vigne Surrau

Jannisolu Vermentino - Vigne Surrau

Vermentino di Gallura DOCG, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l Bottle Buy Sardinian from our Sardinian products e-shop - we have gathered the best Cannoau, Vermentino and Carignano wine from Sardinia Try the most interesting pairings between our wines and the pecorino cheese, cold cuts and pickles Rosalba Cau
Price €13.85
In stock

Reference: 700306

Brand: Vigne Surrau

Sole di surrau - Vigne Surrau

Passito da uve Vermentino, Sardinian sweet white wine. Bottiglia da 0,375 l Online sales of the best Sardinian food products - test the most interesting combinations between Vermentino and the mullet roe (bottarga), smoked fish and blue sheep cheese produced in Sardinia
Price €15.98
In stock

Reference: 700305

Brand: Vigne Surrau

Branu - Vigne Surrau

Vermentino di Gallura DOCG, Sardinian white wine 0.75 l Bottle Online sales of the best Sardinian food products For Branu, a valuable Vermentino di Gallura, we suggest a roast sea bass, sea bream or an appetizer of raw seafood and sliced mullet bottarga Buy online Sardinian food
Price €14.34
In stock

Reference: 700304

Brand: Vigne Surrau

Sciala - Vigne Surrau

Vermentino di Gallura DOCG Superiore, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l Bottle Try online the best of Sardinian typical products - we have gathered the best Vermentino di Gallura Docg and Cannonau Doc of the region
Price €14.66
In stock

Reference: 100813

Brand: Cantina della Vernaccia

S'inis bianco - Cantina della Vernaccia

Valle del Tirso IGT, Sardinian white wine. 0.75 l bottle Online sales of the best Sardinian food products - try the ancient flavors of our tradition Do not miss the Fiore Sardo Pdo, the Casizolu, our carasau flatbread and jams of figs and prickly pears Buy online Sardinian wine
Price €7.29
In stock