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Reference: 101107

Brand: Colle Nivera

I Monili Cannonau - Colle Nivera

Cannonau di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle. Vintage 2011 I Monili are a typical expression of Cannonau di Sardegna Doc produced in Lula, in the Barbagia of Nuoro. Great if accompanied by a Fiore Sardo Dop, on a leaf of carasau bread. For sale on our site of Sardinian wines online - found just a click away the best bottarga, seadas, carasau flatbread and myrtle liqueur.
Price €9.01
In stock

Reference: 201104

Brand: Colle Nivera

In Tinu - Colle Nivera

Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle.  In Tinu is a wine made from Carignano, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cannonau and Syrah grapes, grown in granitic soils of Lula by Colle Nivera. Serving suggestions: sheep ham, Fiore Sardo Dop, salted ricotta cheese with carasau flatbread Find your favorite typical Sardinian products among the Inke selections 
Price €10.24
In stock

Reference: 201106

Brand: Colle Nivera

Sacheia - Colle Nivera

Cannonau di Sardegna DOC, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle.  Sacheia is the flagship of the winery Colle Nivera, important Cannoau of Sardinia, on granite soils Pairing: important cheese, Fiore Sardo Dop, Vegetale di Sardegna Su Grabiolu, pork roasts and seasoned Sardinian sausage  Typical Sardinian food products e-store - the best of Sardinia in the world
Price €18.84
In stock

Reference: 700203

Brand: Murales

Ai Posteri - Murales

Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Sardinian red wine. 0.75 l bottle - years 2008 Ai Posteri is a Italian wine of great structure based Cannonau, Merlot and Syrah. Its aromas of drying grapes suggest to combine it with a long seasoning pecorino cheese, braised  red ox or a slice of salted ricotta cheese and a dash of chestnut honey.
Price €45.07
In stock

Reference: 700206

Brand: Murales

Millant'anni - Murales

Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Sardinain red wine. 0.75 l bottle - years 2007 Millant'anni is a Sardinian wine of great complexity, exclusive and untraceable, made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah. We would recommend it in combination with a pecorino sardo cheese Su Grabiolu or toma Lughente. Available on our shop of Sardinian wines online
Price €72.94
In stock

Reference: 700205

Brand: Murales

Nativo - Murales

Isola dei Nuraghi IGT, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle - years 2009 Nativo is a Sardinian red wine Isola dei Nuraghi IGT with a strong trace of Cannonau. We recommend: casizolu, pecorino cheese and salted ricotta cheese, accompanied by some artichoke in oil and a few leafs of carasau or guttiau flatbread. Experience the best of Sardinian typical products
Price €20.48
In stock

Reference: 401103

Brand: Argiolas

Is Solinas - Argiolas

Isola dei Nuraghi igt, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle Is Solinas wine takes its name from a beautiful beach of Sardinia. A full and harmonious wine, unbeatable in accompanying a course of lorighittas or malloreddus with wild boar meat. Sale of Sardinian wines online: try the best Cannonau, Vermentino and Carignano of our land.
Price €13.93
In stock

Reference: 400603

Brand: Mora & Memo

Nau - Mora & Memo

Cannonau di Sardegna Doc, Sardinian red wine 0.75 l bottle Nau is a wine Cannonau di Sardegna Doc produced in Serdiana from Cantina Mora & Memo - excellent review of the most typical cannonau, to try with a lamb roast or with a plate of malloreddus alla campidanese Experience the best of Italian cuisine and Sardinian products online
Price €13.93
In stock

Reference: 400604

Brand: Mora & Memo

Nau & Co - Mora & Memo

Isola dei Nuraghi Igt, Red wine 0.75 l bottle Sardinian wine from cannonau grapes with a 20% of Cabernet Sauvignon, grown in the territory of Serdiana by Mora & Memo - to be combined with a clove of Fiore Sardo Dop accompanied by a fig and almond jam of Fattoria della Gioia in Seneghe We offer a wide selection of traditional Italian and Sardinian products
Price €14.34
In stock

Reference: 600804

Brand: Cantina Deaddis

Caposardo - Cantina Deaddis

Cannonau di Sardegna Doc, Red wine. 0.75 l bottle Caposardo is a Cannonau wine produced by Cantina Deaddis in Sedini Match: Fiore Sardo DOP, Pecorino sardo and malloreddus alla campidanese We have collected for you the best Sardinian awarded wine
Price €12.29
In stock

Reference: 600802

Brand: Cantina Deaddis

Ultana - Cantina Deaddis

Isola dei Nuraghi Igt, Red wine. 0.75 l bottle Red wine from international grapes Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot produced by Cantina Deaddis in Sedini - in combination we suggest a classic Fiore Sardo Dop, a goat cheese made from raw milk or cheese with vegetable rennet Sale of Sardinian and Italian typical products
Price €21.30
In stock