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Reference: 600906

Brand: Tanda & Spada

Fregula tradizionale - Tanda & Spada

Fregula: traditional Sardinian pasta of durum wheat flour, produced by Tanda & Spada, a company of Thiesi Conf. 500 gr Online sales of traditional foods of Sardinia Discover our local flavors: Fiore Sardo, mullet roe, thorny artichoke and wild thistle Our wines: Carignano del Sulcis, Cannonau di Saregna, Vermentino and Bovale
Price €2.84
In stock

Reference: 600907

Brand: Tanda & Spada

Fregula sarda tostata - Tanda & Spada

Durum wheat flour pasta produced by Tanda & Spada, a Sardinian company Package: 500 gr Fregula is a typical product of the Sardinian food tradition, usually it is cooked with fish sauce, topped with bottarga of Cabras, or with the meat sauce, like Sardinian sausage or porcini mushrooms. Excellent is also the fregula with sauteed artichokes
Price €2.84
In stock

Reference: 600908

Brand: Tanda & Spada

Malloreddus primavera - Tanda & Spada

Durum wheat flour Sardinian pasta Package: 500 gr Sardinian Malloreddus produced by Tanda & Spada, just a click away on the e-commerce of Sardinian products - we care at the quality and safety of our uniqueness. Conf. 500 gr Quick and safe shipping worldwide
Price €2.84
In stock

Reference: 600909

Brand: Tanda & Spada

Squid ink spaghetti - Tanda & Spada

Traditional Sardinian pasta, with durum weath and squid ink - produced by a small company of Thiesi, Tanda & Spada Conf. 500 gr Sardinian food - here you can find everything about the Sardinian culinary tradition of high quality We have collected the best Sardinian cheese, the smoked fish, pickles and the more valuable olive oil; carasau flatbread and traditional pasta
Price €4.33
In stock

Reference: 101603

Brand: Corona

Fregula - Corona

Fregula, traditional dry pasta of Sardinia, produced by the expert baker of Oristano, Stefano Corona Conf. 500 gr Online sales of the best Sardinian and Italian food products - here you can find all your favorite ingredients to flavor your courses or try new flavors: Cabras bottarga, Fiore Sardo Pdo, Pecorino cheese and pork sausage
Price €2.88
In stock

Reference: 600911

Brand: Tanda & Spada

Succu (Fregula sarda) - Tanda & Spada

Durum wheat flour pasta produced by Tanda & Spada, Sardinian company of Thiesi Package: 500 gr Sardinian typical food products online store - in our e-commerce we have gathered a wide selection of food products that express the best of Sardinian cuisine Try our Fiore Sardo, the mullet roe and the spiny artichoke
Price €4.33
In stock

Reference: 400503

Brand: Araj

Saffron classic Malloreddus - Araj

Sardinian traditional pasta of durum wheat Cappelli - produced by Araj  Package 500 gr Malloreddus are the par excellence of the Sardinian tradition Try malloreddus with sauce, sausage and saffron, accompanied by a glass of Cannonau di Sardegna or Carignano del Sulcis
Price €3.74
In stock

Reference: 600910

Brand: Tanda & Spada

Spaghetti al peperoncino - Tanda & Spada

Durum wheat flour pasta made in Italy by Tanda & Spada, Sardinian company of Thiesi Package: 500 gr Spaghetti Tanda & Spada, flavored with hot pepper, are fine with a dressing of sea fish, mullet roe and smoked mullet of Cabras - try them with a Vernaccia di Oristano or Vermentino di Gallura Docg
Price €4.42
In stock

Reference: 400501

Brand: Araj

Classic Malloreddus - Araj

Sardinian durum wheat pasta produced by the artisans of Araj Package 500 gr Online sales of the best Sardinian food products Malloreddus are the most traditional pasta of Sardinia, with a porous surface, they can adapts to different types of sauces. They are perfect with the Sardinian sausage, tomato sauce, saffron and some grated Fiore Sardo Pdo cheese
Price €3.74
In stock

Reference: 400502

Brand: Araj

Malloreddus classici arcobaleno - Araj

Durum wheat craftmade pasta. Package 500 gr Malloreddus pasta mixed with tomato, spinach and saffron - made by Araj, for this Malloreddus it has been used only Cappeli durum wheat. Proposed in our collection of Sardinian products of excellence - ideal if served with fish eggs, grated cheese and accompanied by a glass of Cannonau.
Price €3.74
In stock

Reference: 400504

Brand: Araj

Fregola - Araj

Fregola durum wheat oven toasted - Handmade by craftsmen of Araj Package 500 gr Fregula is a traditional Sardinian pasta - it fits well with a fish and shellfish sauces, seasoned with Sardinian saffron and a splash of mullet roe (karasumi) To be combined necessarily with a Vernaccia di Oristano or Vermentino di Gallura Docg
Price €3.74
In stock

Reference: 400505

Brand: Araj

Natalis - Araj

Durum wheat pasta produced by the artisans of Araj Package 300 gr Online sales of the best Sardinia traditions We have collected the best of Sardinian food: pecorino cheese, Fiore Sardo, Cabras mullet roe, spiny artichoke and the finest extra virgin olive oil
Price €3.74
In stock